Tuesday, January 14, 2025

From the new deal to the sweet deal

 I’ve been to many protests, marched down many streets holding signs, spent time searching media to see what they said about said protests, etc.

Trump is not being greeted with protests, as he was in 2016. I was in L.A. then. I went, for instance, to the immigration protest at the Airport and the women’s march and never felt that Trump really won.
Last year, there were hundreds of protests – about Israel committing genocide in Gaza. And the Democratic president and the ‘liberal’ college administrators and in general the news media labelled these protests, which were often led or participated in by very Jewish groups, as “anti-semitic’. That was a sick move, in line with the sick foreign policy followed by Biden. Which, we were assured on social media by Bidenbots, would have no real consequences, electorally – message: people don’t care.
Well, if your messaging is people don’t care, and you spend a year siccing cops on protestors, guess what happens when your party loses?
People who are between 18 and the early thirties are almost always the spirit of demonstrations. Although I’ve grown old and still grudgingly go to demos, here in Paris, I recognize my place as an enthusiastic elder in these things.
The elderly, out of touch Democratic elites, and their hotshot neolib puppies, have created a vacuum of enthusiasm for the traditional way to oppose Republicans – using the Democratic party. And so the media picture of Trump having his way at the inauguration and being as popular as Reagan in 1984 is not going to be challenged by a counter-inauguration, or a Women’s march, or anything in the streets. It is going to be countered, of course, by a natural force in the streets – the fires sweeping L.A., and the inevitable drumbeat of natural disasters in interface with humankind, in its capitalist bunkers, across the next four years or eight years or twelve years, etc.
This is the poisoned heritage of the administration we are crawling out of. One that is preparing for the advance of gangsterism by Trump by maintaining the most ancient and out of touch leaders in the House and Senate in their places on committees. How sweet for them. Which, of course, is the point – the New Deal has long been followed by the Sweet Deal, whose success can be read in the number of successful lobbyist positions or board position on major corps and Pacs are filled by the sons and daughters of or legislature.
We are drowning in the Sweet deal. Help.

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