Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Monica's juvenalia (or do I mean juvenilia?)


- by Karen Chamisso
Cherchez the bitch! Cherchez the bitch!
And all the elders go tsk tsk tsk.
Monica Lewinski, I think of you!
I’m just such another dixiecup ingenue
And have loved to bask in some Nero’s eye
Who never stuck a finger in my pie
Ending up saying, ”it depends on what sex is”
-their mothers all raised them to be little Elvis.
Cherchez the bitch! Cherchez the bitch !
Were transcribed in the Elders report
“oh (sigh). Oh (sigh). Oh.”
Swinging his dick like a pirate in port
Waiting for a shipload of cargo
While all the Neros chase around all their desks
The immanently gropeable, babes babes babes
You were the witch, the problem, the dress
And your friends are all FBI slaves.
Ces murs mêmes, seigneur, peuvent avoir des yeux ;
Et jamais l’empereur n’est absent de ces lieux.
Put that down in your debutante’s daybook.
And never let them in to look.
Cherchez the bitch! Cherchez the bitch !
And all the elders go tsk tsk tsk.

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the paranormal rhapsode: Thomas Mann, 1922

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