Monday, January 17, 2022

She sings on her own blue guitar - Karen Chamisso

 She sings her own song on the blue guitar

Out of the world of money and pest control
I, the heavenly one, rose up and spoke the truth
Vermin are hidden in Nineveh’s every wall,
And poison works best on the youth
I have learned to bear the mourning of others
And see the termites as unmourning beasts
They have no concept of their mothers
And they make no saddening maddening bleats.
My Daddy told me that my boyfriend Jack
Who technically worked for Dad’s company – and mine –
Was just my way of getting back
At mom and him, and was not at all divine,
just an operator who had the good luck
to stick his hand up the skirt of the boss’s daughter.
I was seventeen - he was my first fuck.
We lay coupled on a bed of insect slaughter
And smoked a spliff, and made our plan
But like any boss’s daughter I soon had my fill.
I’ve since married an acceptable man
And divorced and married another still
And Jack is no doubt with Jill in their house
Somewhere in the metro Hotlanta burbs.
We are all divine – human and louse
But do we ever get what we deserve?
-Karen Chamisso

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