I spent the 00s in a froth of indignation, and my frothing
found a home on my blog. But no matter how I whipped the hypocrisy, cretinism
and downright pig ignorance of Bush’s administration and the general bipartisan
DC foreign policy set, I got no satisfaction – it just went on and on, through
the blood and mire, until gradually the seachange came, we all agreed Iraq was
a mistake, and we all agreed to forget all about it. The Obama administration
letting the CIA burn its little torture tapes in order to decide that it couldn’t,
like, judicially do anything about torturers (just as it couldn’t find a single
bankster to prosecute in that unfortunate 2008 financial meltdown thingy) should
have taught me a lesson: the plebs will never be heard. Ever ever ever.
So I am doing my best to ignore the hilarious islamo-gauchiste
campaign in France, even to the extent of deciding not to finish the incredibly
dumb, no good, absolutely disqualifying rant of Pierre Jourde, late of
Commentaire, in the Nouvelle Obs. Why froth when spring is here? The birds have
their nests, and the son of man, or at least this son of a woman, has a place
to lay his head, so whistle while you work.
But I am too tempted by the devil here. For really, what France should have been talking about for, oh, say the last twenty to thirty years is Islamo-Droiteism, otherwise known as the French foreign policy. While Jourde is in such a rage at the likes of Clémentine Autain or Emmanuel Todd that he can’t be bothered to name one instance in which they have materially helped the Islamicist cause, or Islam in general – it is very easy to put names and dates together for the material and military helping of the great wen of Islamicism, the founder, the center, the om and omega, called Saudi Arabia. From 1956, when France was part of the military team that attacked Nasser’s Egypt – Nasser’s, you will recall, was the first secularist Middle Eastern revolution – to the French military team that was dispatched to help the Saudi royals in 1979, when the great Mosque in Mecca was attacked, all the way up to France bombing Daech on behalf of a coalition consisting of a few “secularist” fronts and a lot of Islamicist fronts – including al qaeda – in Syria, France’s foreign policy has been islamicist to the core. Not one word, of course, is said about this in the French press. After all, to doubt the King’s foreign policy is to doubt royal perogative at all! But this is how it is. After Holland’s disastrous neo-con turn in the Middle East led, predictably enough, to attacks in France, did anybody ask: what was the point of that? No. Dots are not connected if they are inconvenient dots.
If you want to track the growth of Islamacism – or, simply,
the Saudi approved school of Islam – in Europe, you would do much better to
read the Monthly Newsletter of the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Washington
DC than Olivier Todd. There you can see wonderful photo ops of various Saudi
royals conferring with various European officials, like Chirac in the 90s,
about affirming “cultural relationships” – or, in other words, allowing the
Saudis to flood the zone in Europe with mosquebuilding money, and propaganda
against any other Islamic school. It was through that money that traditional
mosques in Bosnia were taken over, razed, and rebuilt with an entirely new
message for their congregations. This was seen with a benevolent eye by French
politicians who saw weapons sales to the Saudis as an El Dorado, and who
definitely were on the petroleum mainline. No, it is not Olivier Todd who is flogging
French arm sales, but, gasp, those warriors against Islamo-gauchisme at the
Elysee, the government of Macron. Here’s a little precis by AmnestyInternational of who is really promoting islamicism in the world. Hint – it isnot the faculty at the Sorbonne.
I can froth all I want, I know, and it won’t make a gnat’s
ass difference. Still, even a gnat has a right to a horselaugh at the moronic
inferno called the “french intellectual scene” every once in a while.
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