Sunday, December 27, 2020



Love come out, I said, and fight

I’ve got the gloves, I’ve learned the pace

- Honey child, I’ll uncork my right

And land you on your bitchass face.


The cutgal in my corner heart

Said, that bitch is for the taking

Follow my plan from the start

And we’ll see who’s faking.


Straight up, take her every blow

And bury it in your body.

And by round ten she’ll start to show

She’s grown old and flabby.


The bell went off:  I was fifteen

And then it  rang every year or so.

Although at thirty, in between

2 lovers, I almost fell to her strongest blow


And  almost lost it to an opened vein.

At last at forty, the strategy

Paid off. Tired, limping with pain

Love fell, leaving me on my mattress free.


I turned to bow to the cheering crowd

- but they had long left and the silence was loud.

- Karen Chamisso

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