Robert Sobel’s biography of Calvin Coolidge contains
background on the event that catapulted Coolidge into celebrity: his attempt to
bust the Boston Police Union. Coolidge was the governor of Massachusetts in
1919, and Boston was a hotbed of political activity – two anarchists from the
region, Sacco and Vanzetti, would later impress themselves – their trial for armed
robbery and murder, their execution - on the whole decade, creating a cause
that brought hundreds of thousands out into the streets throughout the globe. In
1919, the AFL had been busy unionizing police departments. ”… thirty seven
cities, including Washington D.C., Los Angeles, St. Paul, and Vicksburg had police unions, most of them
affiliated with the AFL.”
Coolidge, to tell a long story short, busted the Boston
police union when they staged a walkout. It was a thorough victory. The AFL
stopped trying to unionize police departments. Various Senators, Democratic and
Republic, indicated that the threat of imminent Bolshevism was terminated.
That wasn’t the end of the police union, however. It is
generally agreed that the next step came in the sixties. As described by
Charles Salerno in Police at the Bargaining Table, the civil rights era
jumpstarted police unions for two reasons: a., civil disobedience and protest
showed police that there was a greater space for union activity than in the
past; and b., the police responded to protests on campus and the struggle for
civil rights by a sort of institution-wide panic. Policing had meant enforcing
the bounds of apartheid, and upholding a white bourgeois social order. As apartheid
began to crumble and the student movement made the white bourgeois social order
seem weak and perverted, police unionization was forged in opposition to these things. Salerno
goes into a sort of cop romantic revery about the whole thing:
“To witness the wanton destruction and disruption of the
schools, not by people unable to attend them, but by those who were fortunate
enoghyt to be students, showed the police that nothing was held to be sacred
anymore. The police were called onto campuses to restore order and suppress unruly
crowds. They witnessed acts of vandalism, disrespect for authority, a severe
lack of discipline, open defamation of the American flag, total disregard for law,
open profanity, widespread usage of drugs, and physical attacks upon the
Salerno’s narrative is suffused with the cop self-pity and
thinly disguised white nationalist sentiment, but it probably accurately
reflects the feelings and recollections of the almost all white urban police
“All these events had a traumatic effect on the police
psyche. They would no longer sit in a corner and lick their wounds. They began
to strike back and to take the offensive in an attempt to salvage their dignity
and their pride. The Civil Rights Movement and the gains made by minority
groups through civil disobedience served as examples to the police. Since they
were an occupational minority and an extremely visible one as well, they began
to organize into militant or semimilitant groups.”
And thus, out of a highly politicized reaction to the threat
to the white order, the police union received its jolt of life – sorta like
Frankenstein’s monster, made out of a grotesque hodgepodge of sentiment and
organized power. The point is that racism is not just accidental to modern
policing, but the glue that held together the unionization of police forces
throughout the country.
This is a small but significant footnote in the rightward
drift of American society since the sixties and seventies.
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