Watching Hollande move to Sarkozy-lite policies, and his
economics minister, Moscovici, respond to a question about Keynesian politics
as though Keynes were the new devil (poor Marx, downgraded to second devil
status!), one … lurches between disbelief and the sense that this was all
pre-ordained. Both the Left and the Right in Europe accepted the neo-liberal
straight-jacket long ago. It has worked out well – for the upper tier of
bureaucrats in both the public and private sectors. The social distance between
this tier and the man I came upon, yesterday, sleeping in the street before the
post office on the Rue des Archives, yawns as wide as ever the distance between
the 18th century aristocracy and the peasantry. Chamfort, one of my
favorite dark writers, tells an anecdote in his Maxims and Portraits about one
of the daughters of one of the Princesses, that is, one of the granddaughters
of Louis XV. She was playing with one
of the maid servants and she looked at the maid’s hand, and then she looked at
her own. And she asked why the maid had as many fingers as she did. A perfect
anecdote. Of course, our leaders know that we all have the same number of
fingers, and you can even make it up the bling bling ladder if you serve the
appetites of the rich in some way, but in most ways, the gulf is wide and the
interests are disparate between those at the top and the rest.
In 1989, when the Berlin Wall fell, Robert Heilbroner, the
guy any non-economics major has to love for having provided the most well
written short guide to economics (The Worldly Philosophers), wrote an essay for
the New Yorker on how much the triumph of capitalism invalidated the
predictions not only of the Marxists, but of the founding fathers of capitalism
itself – Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Thomas Malthus, John Stuart Mill, etc.
Their central model always involved declining return to investment – and,
society wide, this would mean either decline or – in Mill’s case – the famous
stationary state. None of them, in other words, bought the story of growth as
the new and necessary horizon of the future. Marx, ironically, seemed much
closer to that view, but he disentangled growth from the capitalist engine of
growth, private enterprise. It was the
latter which would eventually fail, while the horizon of growth it had driven
would split away from it.
Heilbroner thought that capitalist had outlasted the
predictions of the prophets for a number of reasons: one was that they thought
of growth in too narrow a sense. The substitution of commodity for commodity,
for instance, turns out not to be, as it would be in logic, a matter that
leaves an economic state of affairs alone, but instead creates new opportunity
niches that produce more growth in directions that were unseen before.
Heilbroner puts it like this: … the special province of capitalism has always
been finding ways of expanding its commodity frontiers by moving activities
from the sphere of personallifeinto that of profitable business. Particularly
in modern times, every generation has extricated itself from satiety by
reinventing its own standard of living. Even Marx,who was keenly alive to
capitalism’s capacity for generating outlets of expansion, would have been
nonplussed by the extent to which such once wholly noneconomic pursuits as
family entertainment, meal preparation, housework and exercise have been
‘commoditized’ by TV, precooked foods, detergents and running shoes.” All of
which, I would point out, are technologies that produced new spheres of
substitution, which is a necessary element of the dialectic that creates
technological change. The latter is considered by mainstream economists as
something “exogenous” to the economy – hence, the myth that the economy changes
through technological shocks, and their ain’t anything planners can do about
it. This is the pulling the rabbit out of the hat point of view about
technology, or, more simply, magical thinking. Unfortunately, it is the magical
thinking that has governed the plan de-industrialization of much of the
developed countries, which was in full bore as Heilbroner was writing in 1989.
But a more important marker that one finds in this essay,
and that will help us measure how we have arrived at our present paradoxes, is
Heibroner’s important sense that capitalism is a regime. Underneath the
separation of politics and economics that characterizes it (that is, the
officially political institutions do not produce, devolving that function to
the private sphere), capitalism resists internal and external revolts in the
same way any regime does – by creating a sort of ideal spokes-class for the
entire society. That class is the businessman. It is a class that is protected
by infinite amounts of footwork in the media world. Within that class, however,
things have shifted from 1989. It has become more financialized, more
self-reflective about what it is doing and how to take advantage of areas for
profit, and – from the outside - more
greedy. Greed, however, doesn’t really describe the rich – it is rather an
attempt to use an archaic ethical vocabulary to describe a shift in ethics – in
ethos, in character, in self-identification. In a sense, the businessman class
has become ever more sensitive to resistance. Money operates, at the highest
level, to produce a smooth world. It is a smooth world legally – if you are a
Russian oligarch with a seedy past and might have abetted a few murders on the
way to wealth, you can still easily get residence in the UK, for instance –
whereas if you are a Somali fleeing famine, tough luck. Money crashes down
line-time – the queuing time that determines the shape of access for everything
from medical care to groceries for most people. I could list the number of
areas in which resistance is liquidated for the wealthy, but we have all seen
the standard amount of Hollywood films, so we know this already. Hollywood in
fact imagined the resistless life in such a way that the businessman – not
usually talented in imagining lifestyles – has accepted it as fact.
It is the businessman’s sense of the resistless world which
is really at play in such things as taxes. Why would a man with one hundred
million dollars worry if the tax bill cuts into a portion of that wealth that
has zero marginal utility for him? Because that wealth is him. The wealthy
identify with their wealth. Taxes are, in this sense, pure resistance. And
resistance is intolerable.
One is often astonished at the things that CEOs negotiate.
Jack Welch, for instance, negotiated a contract with GE in which GE basically
bought and gave Welch all the commodities that are usually associated with
domestic life: a place to say,
transportation, food. Welch earned millions, and buying these things would have
meant little to him. But the symbolic power of having everything bought for him
– of overcoming the resistance of the cash nexus itself –was the
Heibroner, picking up from Schumpeter, did have a sense that
the businessman who represents the capitalist regime might be the Achilles heal
of the regime: “Capitalists, in whose
name the system is organized, no longer possess the basic powers that accrue to
persons of similar importance under earlier systems; unlike the most minor
feudal lords, for instance, they cannot try, imprison, or forcibly muster “their”
workforces, or enjoy the privileges of a legal code different from that
applicable to other groups..”
This gap is perceived by the capitalist, in the present
state of our regime, as resistance; the
policymaking elite that has grown up since 1989 finds it increasingly
intolerable that such resistance exists. Hence, the policies that have been
adopted since the crisis are characterized by two things: massive immunity for
the financial elite that crashed the system; and massive, punitive economic
policies for the wage class. The immunity is, on the one hand, a small thing –
but it looms large symbolically. That the banks could simply defraud Libor and
remain comparatively unpunished for it – punished as though they had jaywalked –
speaks to a larger issue: the inability of states to resist socializing the
debts of banks, while at the same time refusing to nationalize them. This is of
the essence of the current plutocratic system. And that it has not emerged as
an issue in any of the democracies that have held elections since the crash –
in the UK, France, Spain, Greece, and now the U.S. – is a definite sign that we
have moved further into a regime in which the capitalist is closing that gap,
liquidating that resistance.
1 comment:
It's like the BORG. "Resistance is Futile. You will service us."
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