Tuesday, August 05, 2008

the return!

I’m back (said he, having dealt with a private matter in a dark corner).

LI’s first encounter with Chicago was a hit and miss affair, punctuated by mucho traffic, communications breakdowns between all the bossier members of my family, a fiesta of pink satin dresses, tan shoulders, blondness, tuxedos and priests at the wedding of my nephew, and my famous Puck dance at the reception – which consists of an attempt to fly to the bodacious rhythm of “Magic Stick”. The highlights of the trip were: the astonishing Field Museum, which puts the American Museum of Natural History to shame – my two astonishing nephews, with whom I renewed acquaintance – my afternoon with my friend Janet, a perfect rendez vous, ending, as all such things do, in wine and seafood – and the Indiana Dunes, where my bros, on my insistence, shot a photo of me climbing up one of the dunes on my belly, because I thought it would look like a classic New Yorker cartoon and make LI’s readers laugh. See how I think of y’all? This I will post later.


coffeehound said...

welcome back! did you find the place where nelson lost his mojo?

Roger Gathmann said...

Mr. ME Coffeehound - actually, LI's far flung correspondent, Mr. T., gave us a rundown of areas in CHI that Simone de Beauvoir and Nelson Algren strolled past - or at least a couple of streets. But it turned out - much to my surprise - that Chicago is big. Like huge. Like very huge and big. Thus, to go find Algren's lost chicago was not happening on this expedition. On the other hand, this gives me a chance to put in a link, once again, to Miss Kittin's Frank Sinatra, which shows scenes from Man with the Golden arm.

Anonymous said...

LI, welcome back! Hey, that Zoe tout va bien video you posted gives me a strong sense of déjà vu! And relates to what I've been thinking of what you write about voyages and adventures




Roger Gathmann said...

Amie, that second song has - symbolic overtones in my life that I'm not gonna go into. But by a golden coincidence, they were, indeed, involved in Chicago!

The turning point: watching our structures of governance tumble down

“Because I do not hope to turn again Because I do not hope…” Turn to good old T.S. for your prime modernist bluesing. Or to Billy Holiday. T...