Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A fundraising video for LI

Mr. Scruggs made this great little fundraising video for Limited Inc. Check it out!


LumpenProf said...

What cool video! Would it be possible to put it up on YouTube so we can embed it in our blogs to help with the LI viral fundraising drive?

Also, if the video had a paypal link or a mailing address at the end, it might be even better.

Roger Gathmann said...

Wait a minute. Are you saying that I could embed this thing if I put it up on YouTube? Wow, I'm so stupid. I never thought of that. I'll have to see what Mr. Scruggs thinks.

Arkady said...

This kind of video can't be effectively YouTubed.

They change all their video uploads to flash video, at at a very low bit rate, which turns all the animation into mush. It would be similar to taking a 33 rpm record, filling in every other groove and playing it on a turntable powered by drugged hamsters :-(

If I reduced it to four basic colors and took out most of the motion, it would be possible. I sometimes do that. For LI, however, I need colors, lots of them, and lots of motion. What you can do is copy the link for the large version

(30 megabytes) http://www.box.net/shared/ldj6ejzc7s

or the small version

(15 megabytes) http://www.box.net/shared/cekd7m5jk7

and post them.

Roger Gathmann said...

Le maître a dit. Il n’y a plus rien à dire.

LumpenProf said...

I still couldn't resist trying. If this version offends, let me know and I'll delete it. I've included links to the original versions in the comments. Also, let me know if the PayPal link I set works right.

Roger Gathmann said...

I'm pretty impressed. I don't know what Mr. Scruggs thinks about the resolution of the thing. But I think it mostly retained its colors and all.

Roger Gathmann said...

Looking at it again and comparing, I can see the diminution of color Mr. Scruggs was talking about. On the other hand, that you can just click the picture and it works makes it more immediate as an experience.

Anonymous said...

It needs some squirrels, but otherwise it looks okay. Scruggs might be useful for our new client, Crofton Steelware

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