Friday, May 18, 2007

Wolfie goes down

Headline in the NYT: Wolfowitz to Leave the World Bank

Come out/Come out
Whereever you are!


Arkady said...

He's a victim, poor fellow, of the same thing that happened to Larry Summers. Both had unique, somewhat controversial views regarding the people in their charge and the needs these people had for their special brand of discipline. Some have called them insufferable anuses, sociopathic liars, con artists so arrogant that they think doubting schtick reflects badly on the doubter. They've called them whining bullies, incompetent hacks, miserable, cretinous louts with a sense of entitlement . . . and worse. I don't want to negate those viewpoints, which are not without merit. But do they paint a whole picture?

Wolfowitz was in love. Surely we on the left can sympathize with that! He did what any of us would do, given the chance. I say it's time for the healing process, Roger. Let's put the past behind us. Wolfowitz would like a chance to move on.

Roger Gathmann said...

Mister Scruggs - the forgiveness process is all very well - but what's in it for me?
I say, Dance! The motherfucker is down!

Arkady said...

Your argument is compelling, Roger. I guess we're at the stage of picking the right music to dance to. Anything from the Dead Milkmen's "Beelzebubba" works for me.

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