Wednesday, June 12, 2024

A Karen Chamisso Poem

 Thoughts at the Denfort-Rochereau Metro Stop

The lion prowls in marble
with no lion tamer props
no stool no whip
to lend a civilizing touch
We like our marble lion rampant
but we much prefer
a cage to mediate
our flesh and jaw encounters
of the first kind.
Here the whip is seen
- so why do we so breathlessly wish for
The tumbled stool, the sawdust bloodied?


Aaron said...

The opening sequence of Rivette's Pont du Nord could also be about this?

Roger Gathmann said...

I was thinking of Agnes Varda's short film about the Denfort Rocvhereau lion.

to scold on the interwebs

  There is an etymological mystery about the word ‘scold”. In the great 0ED vol. 9, the etymology is not given – rather, the etymological th...