Thursday, August 05, 2021


Life… makes nothing happen.
I, too, heard the cowbells Mom
Crossing the border into Switzerland
And of course I thought of you.
I thought of Heidi, and then of you
And then of you and me
Watching Heidi, was it in color or b&w?
When you had the power to make me watch
Movies. A coercible five.
You “loved this movie” when you were a girl.
Me, Heidi’s hair bun repulsed me
And the uterine pull
Of the cornsilk blond’s family
In a Nazi dream of the Alps
Lent its props
To various of my nightmares.
If I let go
Of my mudwrestler’s grip on you, Mom
Will I plunge in my worst dream
down some Heidi cursed cliff?
- Karen Chamisso

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what is a classic

 This is going to be a huge post. Sorry. -            -           I propose to compare two articles, two essays, on the “classics”, the firs...