I’ve been pondering Jim Holt’s review of a biography of Sir
Thomas Browne. You don’t often see Browne, who is a mandarin’s mandarin writer,
given space in the NYT. The review was evidently launched from the side that does
not appreciate Browne as a writer. So be
it. Yet there was an emphasis on Browne’s belief in witchcraft that I found
troubling – notably this paragraph:
:Browne harbored some foolish beliefs himself, even by the
standards of his time. Notably, he believed in witches. Worse, he acted on this
belief. In 1662, the supposed savant offered expert testimony at a trial in
which two elderly widows were convicted of practicing witchcraft and hanged.
The trial at which Browne testified cast a long shadow, serving as an exemplar
for the infamous Salem witch trials in America 30 years later.”
Foolish belief it may have been, but Holt’s paragraph has a
certain positivist peremptoryness that is unfair and distorting. Sir Robert
Boyle, Browne’s contemporary and certainly one of the heros in the creation of
early modern science, wrote a preface to Glanvill’s book defending the belief
in witchcraft. One could round up a number of worthies whose beliefs, if parsed
through the lens of foolish belief, might not be spared the condenscension of
the popular science writer, including Newton, who of course spent a good number
of years working out the numerology of the apocalypse. Newton is actually a
case in point of the use of foolish beliefs, since it has long been known that
the action at a distance that he ratified against the Cartesian insistance on
the naïve material world picture that depended on vortices was borrowed from
the alchemists.
Browne’s testimony against the hapless defendents in the
Bury St. Edmond’s trial. Browne testified that the accounts given by the
bewitched could be evidence of a satanic power devised against them. He didn’t
give his opinion as to the guilt, however, of the accused. As has been noted by
one of Browne’s biographers, his testimony was an odd amalgam of naturalizing
description – “that the devil in such cases did work upon a natural foundation”
- and orthodox witch belief. However, one must grant that Browne’s opinion,
which was considered expert, may well have converted the jury to condemning the
two women, Amy Denny and Rose Cullender.
Their deaths should stain Browne’s reputation, just as Locke’s
investments in the slave trade and arguments for slavery as head of the Board
of Trade in response to various laws in Virginia should forever stain his. Let
all the ghosts be heard. But I don’t think this should serve the idea of some
few “modern” scientific men advancing our consciousness. Because it is never
like that.
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