Sunday, February 28, 2010

top 9 chansons pour Julie

I wanted to do a nine song countdown for a recently arrived Parisienne named Julie. Thise nine songs were meant, ideally, to fit between July 2009 and February 2010. I did a little cheating - but not much!

Neko Case
This tornado loves you

Röyksopp 'This Must Be It'

Sick Muse

Atlas Sound
Recent Bedroom

Handsome Furs
I’m confused

Dominique A –
Immortels (OKAY, this came out in March, 2009. I’m cheating!)

Jean-Louis Murat
M le Maudit

Charlotte Gainsbourg

Massive attack
Saturday comes slow

Not a bad 9 months!


Anonymous said...

LI, thanks so much for the songs! Nice change for Julie from my selection of berceuses. I'm thinking I should come up with an accompanying list of top 9 chansons from 1978.


Roger Gathmann said...

Now, on the latter, I'd ask advice from your mom!

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