Sunday, August 12, 2001

NEW FEATURE - yes, as you can see, you can now talk back to me. Thanks are due to Alan Cook, who figured out how to put that reblogger tool in my template. Now we are cooking!
Alan also gave me some content advice - can the posts about italian politics, and for god's sake, can I please not be so shrill, please? He said I sound like the Rush Limbaugh of the Left.
Well, I sorta want to sound like the R.Limbaugh of the Left - that is, the Rush of his first, golden years, when he was still funny. But okay, moderate the tone, I can do that. As for the Italian politics - isn't everybody interested in the tangled history of the Andreotti? Maybe, maybe... maybe just me.

Another thing: I don't deliver on my promises. So my parable, yesterday, I promised to put up the gloss on the thing today, and tell you all about social costs. IAnd I didn't. Why? Cause I'm a liar. But 'm gonna, I'm gonna, tomorrow.

Alan neglected to say that at least I give good link. Like that social cost link - how many sites direct you to a magazine founded by Bertrand Russell, eh?
-give me your comments - bath me in your collective sputum, shout me down, I'm ready to defend myself! ---Sorry, new software always makes me dramatic.

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From Willetts Magazine - my review of Anna Burns Milkman, 2019

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